Category Archives: friends



This is going somewhere…I promise. It just requires a back-story.

When I first started WW in grad school, I turned to the message boards for some support, and found the group “Mindless Munching Grad Students.” Many people came and went from that group, but around a dozen of us remained constant. That group of ladies offered so much support–through the bad days, the good days, the losses, the gains, and everything else, both personal and WW-related. We’ve seen goal-weight, Lifetime, and regains together. We’re spread out across the country, and even though I’ve never met these girls, they are amazing friends.

One of the group members just started up a daily email the other day, and it’s incredible that all of us were feeling the need to do that at the same time. I don’t know how many people wrote back and said “Yes! I keep thinking we should start emailing again!” While being in contact with these women has not gotten me back on track, it’s still good to know they are there, sending positive thoughts and “skinny vibes” my way.

So, like I said, this really is going somewhere. I had a revelation at work today. Here’s what I shared with my MMGSs:

Okay, had another bad day today. Damn Teacher Appreciation Week.

I was thinking about things today, and my plan in my head is always “I’ll do great over summer break! I’ll lose so much weight and look amazing and everyone will be shocked!” So, I started thinking that again this afternoon, and IMMEDIATELY the excuses started rolling in. First it was “I’ll get back on track this weekend. Oh, but we’re going to Paul’s cousin’s twins’ 1st birthday on Saturday.” Then it was “Yeah, but I’ll have lots of time during summer to eat right and work out. Oh, but we’re going to Florida in June.” I just need to get those “Oh, but”s out of my head! I need to stop seeing everything as an excuse to eat like crap, and I need to WORK with it. I need to develop self control.
There’s always going to be an “Oh, but…” with me. I know this. This fact hasn’t changed in 25 years. “Oh but…” was responsible for getting me up to my highest weight in undergrad. “Oh, but…” was responsible for me putting on 10 pounds over the past couple years. “Oh, but…” is what makes me think I can eat like crap today because I can just start again tomorrow…and the next day…and the next day. At what point do I say “Oh, but I don’t want to eat like this anymore. Oh, but I don’t want to feel awful anymore. Oh, but I really want to fit into those pants again.”
Tomorrow, there will be no “Oh, but….”

Welcome to the 21st Century…


Paul and I got new phones/new phone numbers today. Our plan has texting and internet. Whoa. We’re cookin’ with gas now….

Also, just a note of CONGRATULATIONS to my friend Elena and her fiance, Adam! The lovely couple got engaged while in Ireland last week. So romantic! I’m beyond happy for you both!

Work-out Wednesday: Back on track


Hey, friends. Sorry for the absence. Haven’t had much worth posting lately.

So, if you are a teacher, know a teacher, or read Elena’s blog, you’ll no doubt know that this week has been Teacher Appreciation Week. Our PTO, administration office, building office, Student Senate, and Sunshine Club have combined forces to thwart all my weight loss efforts. My will power is always weak, but when they bring in DQ blizzards (HELLOOOO Chocolate Xtreme!), movie theater-size boxes of candy (RAISINETS!), cupcakes, pizza, chocolate muffins the size of your head, mostaccioli, and plenty of other treats, it just disappears. I’ve been falling into bad habits again, where I just eat without thinking, until I’m full beyond any semblance of “comfortable.” So, I’ve been trying to offset the effects of the fattening foods by running the past couple of days.

As you may (or may not) recall, I started the Couch to 5k a month ago (yeah, didn’t realize that it was a month ago…). I did the first week, and then dropped off, sticking with weight and toning exercises instead. I picked up with week 2 yesterday, and was happy that it was relatively easy. It’s a long shot, but I’m going to try my hand at the Bix again this year. I “ran” it 5 years ago, but want to try actually running it again this summer. It’s nice to have a goal in mind. And I’m feeling rather inspired lately, after watching several of my friends run a half marathon this past weekend, and watching my brother complete his THIRD marathon. Words cannot describe how proud I am of him (and of everyone who ran the half). Thanks for being an inspiration, friends!

One final question: I’m SUUUUPER bored with my music. What’s on your running playlist? What keeps you going and energized?

Thankful Thursday: A Good Read


This week, I’m thankful for book recommendations (and the friends who do the recommending).

I’ve been stuck (for lack of a better word) reading chick lit lately, which is always enjoyable. I use reading as a way to unwind and clear my mind at the end of the day. So, mindless reading is always a plus. I’ve been immersing myself in authors like Meg Cabot and Nicholas Sparks, both of whom are wonderful writers, but their books are pretty easy reads.

Last week, a friend recommended I read books by the author Paulo Coelho. And so over the weekend, while I was staring at books at Target (contemplating which Nicholas Sparks easy-read to buy next), I happened to see The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Hmm. So, I picked it up and decided to give it a shot.

Honestly, it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. It’s an engaging story, and it’s beautifully written. There’s a lot of spirituality and religion to it as well, which, apparently, I really needed. Simply put, I felt at peace after reading the book.

So, please do yourselves a favor and read this beautiful novel. An added bonus: it’s on the “Buy One, Get one 50% Off” table at Borders right now. 🙂